Connie McSorley Rodriguez
Aug 22, 20243 min read
High Heeled Shoes
I recall shopping for shoes with my father when I was a young girl. In those days you actually sat down in a chair and an attendant came...
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Dava Caballero
Mar 31, 20234 min read
Kelly the Sheep
I’ve been following the pregnancy and labor of Kelly the sheep through the Ballerina Farm Instagram account (@ballerinafarm). What a...
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Dava Caballero
Dec 1, 20225 min read
Times of Refreshing
The flu bug bit me, or something akin to it. I hate being sick – especially when it’s so bad that I’m unable to do anything else. It...
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Dava Caballero
May 29, 20228 min read
The Mountaintop Dream
I had a wonderful dream about a mountain – a new year’s gift, perhaps. It was one of those special dreams – vivid and significant. I...
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